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Pacific Northwest Chapter · Society for Information Display

WEDNESDAY April 14, 2010 - 6:00 PM
Esterline Control Systems, Home of Korry Products
11910 Beverly Park Road
Everett, WA 98204

Photometric and Colorimetric Measurement Procedures for Airborne Electronic Flat Panel Displays

Steve Ellersick, PE, MS, CLEP, Associate Technical Fellow
The Boeing Company


Abstract: SAE ARP 4260 Photometric and Colorimetric Measurement Procedures for Airborne Electronic Flat Panel Displays has recently been revised. ARP 4260 contains methods used to measure the optical performance of airborne electronic flat panel display systems and is referenced in SAE ARP 4256, Design Objectives for Liquid Crystal Displays for Part 25 (Transport) Aircraft and in SAE AS 8034, Minimum Performance Standard for Airborne Multipurpose Electronic Displays.

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Biography: Mr. Ellersick, born and raised in Northeastern Washington, first attended Pacific Lutheran University and finished a B.S. in Electrical Engineering at Washington State University in 1983. He has been with The Boeing Company ever since. In 1987, he completed an M.S. degree in Physics at the University of Washington. At Boeing, Steve has worked as an Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineer, an Optical and Infrared Engineer, is currently lead engineer for the 787 flight deck display optics and lighting system and has worked on the 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777. He is a member of the SAE A-20 Aircraft Lighting Committee, SID, IES, CIE, CORM, and OSA. 

Seminar Information: The Seminar is free. Please join the speaker for a no-host dinner after the seminar. Directions to the restaurant will be provided at the seminar. Non-Members are welcome. the restaurant will be provided at the seminar. Non-Members are welcome. RSVP to Gary
Johnson at or . Please indicate if you plan to participate in the dinner.

Directions & Map to Esterline Control Systems

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