WEDNESDAY January 11, 2006 - 6:00 PM |
LCD Luminance Non-uniformity: Causes and Cures Albert Xthona |
Abstract: LCD displays exhibit non-uniformities in luminance and contrast across their surface. These non-uniformities result from both the light generation and the light modulation processes of the display. Fortunately, the majority of the causes are unchanging in time, and a correction can be determined for each area of the display. Measurement equipment in the display factory can measure the native response of each area; then a correction circuit can be included in each display that uses knowledge of the native response to produce a more uniform display.
Biography: Albert Xthona received his BSE from Princeton University in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in 1986 and then studied computer graphics at Cornell University. In the past he has worked in the Bay Area at Taliq, a company specializing in large TN LCD displays, and in Madison at Point Line, a company that developed CAD software for architects. He has been at the Barco site in Beaverton for the past 16 years, and is presently Strategic Product Manager for Barco Medical Imaging Systems. Seminar Information: The Seminar is free. Please join the speaker for a no-host dinner after the seminar. Directions to the restaurant will be provided at the seminar. Non-Members are welcome. RSVP to Koji Yugawa at or . Please indicate if you plan to participate in the dinner. Directions & Map to Planar Systems |
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