13th SID Symposium “Advanced Display Technologies”
Minsk, Republic of Belarus, September 7-10, 2004

Call for papers


Dear colleagues,
The SID Chapters of Belarus Russia and Ukraine encourage the submission of papers on all aspects of research, engineering, application and utilization of displays.

Paper submission are welcome for any of the general Symposium topics listed below. Because of the great importance of display manufacturing, the Symposium is inte-rested in all aspects including processes, equipment, materials for the manufacture of LCDs, CRTs, FEDs, TFELs and OLEDs, PDPs, and microdisplays.

The following topics are offered for discussions:

  • Active - and passive - matrix LCDs

  • Novel LC-materials and electro optical effects

  • Light emissive displays (CRT, PDP, TFEL, OLED, FED e.t.c.)

  • Microdisplays

  • Processes, equipment and materials for display manufacturing

  • Information boards and projection displays

  • Human factors, display ergonomics and standards.

International Program Committee

Prof.V.Chigrinov, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China

Prof.J.Jang, Advanced Display Research Center, Seoul, Korea

Prof. V.Bezborodov, Instutute of Applied Physics Problems, Minsk, Belarus

Prof. I.Kompatets, Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Dr. A.Krasnov, Luxell Technologies Inc., Mississauga, Canada

Dr.B.Needham, Screen Technology Ltd, Cambridge, UK

Dr. J.-N. Perbet, Thales Avionics, Le Haillan Cedex, France

Dr.P.Perlo, Centro Ricerche FIAT, Orbassano, Italy

Prof. K.Skarp, Swedish LCD Center, Borlange, Sweden

Prof.V.Sorokin, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Kiev, Ukraine

Dr.D.Theis, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany

Dr. H.Tolner, Philips Components B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Prof.S.Yakovenko, Philips LCOS Microdisplay Systems, Briarcliff Manor, USA

Prof. J.Zielinski, Institute of Applied Physics, Warsaw, Poland


Symposium’s official language is English.

Please, submit to Symposium’s Program Chair or Co-Chairs the electronic version in any PC-compatible format of your 35-50 word abstracts in English highlighting the key details of your paper which will be printed in the Advance Program. Indicate whether the paper is intended for the oral or poster presentation. The number of oral presenta-tions will be limited to provide more time for discussions.


The deadline for receipt of abstracts is April 20, 2004. The Advance Program will be mailed by June 30, 2004.

Authors of accepted papers are kindly requested to submit BOTH the electronic ver-sion and camera-ready full-length manuscript in English before the beginning of the Symposium for the publication in the Proceedings.

The registration fee is 300$ US (20% higher for non-SID members) and covers full board hotel accommodation, admission to all sessions, light refreshments, banquet, a copy of the Symposium's Proceedings, local transportation.

The payment has to be maid in $ US to the account No 3015001500017 at 514 branch of “BELARUSBANK” in Minsk, code 614, with the note “ADT Symposium-2004” or in-cash during the registration. Advanced registration is not required but is strongly re-commended. On-site registration will be 10% higher.

For further information, please contact:

Program Chair, Prof. A.Smirnov, 6, P.Browki Str., BSUIR, 220027 Minsk, Republic of Belarus,

        tel. , fax: , 


Program Co-Chair, Prof. V.Sorokin, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, 45, Pr.Nauki, Kyiv-28, 252028, Ukraine,

tel. , fax: ,


Program Co-Chair, Prof. V. Belyaev, Russian SID Chapter,

tel. , fax: ,


