THE SAN DIEGO CHEMIST American Chemical Society San Diego Section Volume 18, Number 1 January 2006 Processing of High-Resolution Information Displays Professor Jan B. Talbot Chemical Engineering Program University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA DATE: Thursday, January 19, 2006 TIME: 6:00 PM Social Hour - Light Refreshments 7:00 PM Lecture PLACE: Pfizer [La Jolla] Global R&D 10777 Science Center Drive, San Diego DIRECTIONS: From I-5 South - exit at Genesee Ave., “turn right” onto Genesee at exit, and at the first light turn right again onto Science Center Drive. Pfizer is near the end of Science Center (~1/2 mile). From I-5 South - exit at Genesee Ave., same as above except turn “turn left” (West) from the freeway exit ramp… RESERVATION: By Monday, January 16, 2006 Voice mail: 619 687-5570 or email: About the Speaker: Professor Jan Talbot received her B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the Penn. State University. Then she was a development engineer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for 6 years. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1986. Since then she has been at the University of California, San Diego, where she is Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science. Her other current research interests are in the areas of electrodeposition, electrophoretic deposition, and chemical mechanical planarization. She has organized many symposia; she chaired a new Gordon Research Conference on Electrodeposition in 1996. She has been the editor of The Electrochemical Society's Interface and was President of The Electrochemical Society in 2001-2002. About the Lecture: The trend for information displays is towards larger and thinner devices with higher resolution. The performance of the screens depends upon the uniformity, density, and adhesion of the phosphor and black matrix layers. Our research has focused on improving the resolution of information displays by investigating various methods of manufacturing screens for emissive displays, such as CRTs (particularly HDTV), field emission displays (FEDs) and plasma displays. Two screen processing methods will be discussed, electrophoretic deposition and slurry coating. The electrophoretic deposition (EPD) process of interest uses a bath consisting of phosphor particles suspended in isopropanol with dissolved magnesium nitrate. In order to improve the processing and characteristics of screens, the electrophoretic deposition of phosphor particles was investigated by: (1) measuring the electrophoretic properties of the phosphor particles, (2) studying the reactions at the electrode interface, and (3) investigating factors that affect the phosphor deposition rates. Also, the effects of the screen processing conditions on the adhesion of phosphor and optical properties of the films have been studied. The EPD process has been combined with photolithography to deposit triads of phosphor stripes for producing high-resolution color displays. For the mass production of CRTs, slurry coating, in which a slurry of phosphor (or carbon) powder and a water-soluble photoresist is spin coated onto the faceplate and then developed into insoluble patterns of phosphors on the screen, is used. The PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone)/DAS (di-azido-stibene disulfonic acid sodium salt) photoresist has been investigated. The two advantages of PVP/DAS photoresist over the current photoresist used for phosphor deposition, PVA (polyvinyl alcohol)/ADC (ammonium dichromate) are higher resolution and environmently benign manufacturing. The fundamental chemical and physical properties of the PVP polymer were studied. Two new photoactivators for PVP were also developed.