A series of interesting and diverse evening seminars will be held monthly by the San Diego Chapter of SID. These monthly evening seminars are free of charge and non-members are encouraged to attend.



The evening seminar topics focus on newest developments in the information display world. Topics include:

-       Material Science and Display Technologies

-       Display Systems Innovations

-       Interface Electronics

-       Display Market Reports

-       Display Manufacturing Advances


The seminars are presented by speakers who are responsible for developing the technological advances that they are talking about. So expect in-depth and lively discussions at the seminars.



          Previous Meetings

June 24, 2003              Thin Film Crystal Polarizer- Dr. Pavel Lazarev, Optiva Presentation Slides

August 12, 2003           Large HDD Projection - Dr. John Moreland, SDSC, Presentation Slides

September 9, 2003       Interferometric Displays - Dr. Jeff Sampsell, Iridigm

October 14, 2003        San Diego Chapter First Annual Seminar on Display Technologies DMD-DLP - Dr. Larry Hornbeck, TI, Video de Sala, Cultural Center, Tijuana, Mexico

November 11, 2003     AC-PDP: Past, Present, and Future - Roger L. Johnson, SAIC/ITL Presentation Slides

December 9, 2003       Color Considerations for TFT-LCDs - Gabriel Marcu, Apple Presentation Slides

January 20, 2004          FPD Market Outlook - Ross Young, Display Search, Presentation Slides

February 17, 2004         TV Technology Shoot-Out - J.P. Guillou - Sony    Map, Announcment Details

March 16, 2004             Displays in Sunlight and High Ambient - Randy Blanchard - L3

April, 13, 2004              3D Displays and Software-Ian Mattew- Sharp, R. Mannino-DDD

May 23 to 28, 2004       SID International Conference in Seattle

June 22, 2004                Very High Pixel Count Projection Devices - Dr. W. Bleha - JVC

July and August              Summer Break

September 21, 2004     PenTile Matrix - Tony Botzas, Clairvoyante  Labs

October 14, 2004        I Want My Home Video Network - David Eccles, consultant Presentation Slides

November 16, 2004     San Diego Chapter Second Annual Seminar on Display Technologies

Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs): Fundamentals, Recent Progress, and Their Use in Television – Dr. Steven
Van Slyke and Dr. Gopalan (Raj) Rajeswaran, Director, Sanyo Kodak Display Corp, CANACO (chamber of commerce) Tijuana, Mexico Presnetation Slides

November 17,  2004    OLED Update- – Dr. Steven Van Slyke and  Dr. Gopalan Rajeswaran Presentation Slides

December 14, 2004     Dry Phosphor Screening for Emissive Displays - Michelle Hurt and Professor Jan Talbot, UCSD Presentation Slides

February 15, 2005       Comfortable 3D – No Glasses Required - David Chechelashvili, VP Marketing, Neurok Optics, LLC

March 16, 2005           What's behind the Dome? (IMAX) - John Young, Reuben H. Fleet Science Center

April 12, 2005              Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Display Applications, Dr. Zvi Yaniv,-Aplied Nanotech, Inc. Presentation Slides

June 22, 2005             UCSD:Materials Science and EE Depts, Optical Society of America-SD Chapter ,SID SD Chapter present Future Prospects for Solid State Lighting; Dr. Shuji Nakamura, Member National Academy of Engineering of the National Academies, Director of Solid State Lighting & Display Center;University of California Santa Barbara, Dinner and Presentation at  University of California at San Diego Center for Magnetic Research

September 14, 2005     Inside SXRD;Jean Pierre Guillou, Sony

October 19, 2005 -8:00 PM    Third Annual Seminar on Display Technologies LCoS, the Technology for High Performance HDTV;Dr. Robert L. Melcher, CTO;Brillian Corp;Cámara Nacional de Comercio, Servicios y Turismo de Tijuana (CANACO)     Presentation Slides

November 15, How MIMO Wireless Technology Will Unlock the Digital Home ,Beau Beck, Airgo Networks at Community Forum, Reuben H. Fleet Science Center,Community Forum,  Reuben H. Fleet Science Center,1875 El Prado,San Diego Presentation Slides

December 15, 2005, Visualization for Planetarium Display, Dr. David Nadeau. Research Scientist, San Diego Supercomputer Center at UCSD at Community Forum,  Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, 1875 El Prado San Diego, 619/238-1233

January 10, 2006, DTV Transition and the State of the Global TV Market, David Naranjo,Vice President of TV Market Research at DisplaySearch, Dana Inn & Marina, Blue Pearl Restaurant, Presentation Slides (PDF)


For those of you who missed our very own Professor Jan Talbot’s “Processing of High-Resolution Information Displays”, 1/19/2006 before the American Chemical Society, San Diego Section here is the announcement and Presentation Slides.


February 15, 2005, iMoDTM  A Dramatically New Type of Direct View Flat Panel Display Technology Jeffrey Brian Sampsell,Vice President, Technology, QUALCOMM MEMS Technologies, Reuben H. Fleet Science Center


April 11, 2006 INTERACTIVE 3D STEREOSCOPIC PROJECTION SYSTEM, Presentation by Rohit Khanna, Founder of 3D InfoTech,.  www.3dinfotech.com, Reuben H. Fleet Science Center Presentation Slides (powerpoint)

June 20, 2006, Will Improved Laser Crystallization Make Poly-Si the Backplane for Future Displays?, David Knowles, PhD, Vice President, Marketing & Applications, TCZ,  Reuben H. Fleet Science Center


September 26, 2006, Laser TV - A new Growth Opportunity, David Naranjo, Director, Mitsubishi Electronics, Dana Inn & Marina


October 25, 2006 , SONY Reader – A New Digital Reading Device Using Electronic Paper Display Technology,  Ron Hawkins, VP, Sony Eletronics,Dana Inn & Marina, Blue Pearl Restaurant, Presentation Slides (pdf)



Future Meetings