July 20, 2011 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Speaker: Philip J. Corriveau, Principal Engineer, Intel Labs
Title: Moving the User Experience Beyond 2D
A new immersive experience is being deployed to consumers starting first in theaters, and now becoming more pervasive in their homes. The Stereo-3D explosion has extended its reach to the realms of personal cameras, gaming platforms, digital signage and many other form factors. The technology and experience behind 3D has moved beyond the entertainment industry, and now has several pilot programs in the US for educational use in the classrooms. How we research and investigate the different aspects of these experiences is critical to providing the right experience in the right context on the right device. It is not just video and audio quality anymore – it is about the classical concerns of image quality, compression and distribution which are now being coupled with physiological experiences. This presentation will be an overview of what the user experience is for Stereo 3D.
Speaker Background
Philip Corriveau is a Principal Engineer in the technology arm of the Interaction & Experience Research group in Intel Labs in Portland, Oregon. Philip received his Bachelors of Science Honors at Carleton University, Ottawa Canada in 1990. He started his career at the Canadian Government Communications Research Center performing end-user subjective testing in support of the ATSC HD standard for North America. Philip moved to Intel in 2001 to seed a research capability called the Media and Acoustics Perception Laboratory designed to address fundamental perceptual aspects of platform and product design. He now manages a team of human factors engineers in the Experience Metrics & Quality Evaluation group conducting user experience research across Intel technologies, platforms and product lines. In January 2009 Philip was awarded a National Academy of Television Arts & Science, Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award for User Experience Research for the Standardization of the ATSC Digital System. Philip is currently the Chair of Steering Team 5 for the 3D@Home Consortium (www.3dathome.org). Steering Team 5’s mission is to assist 3D stakeholders in understanding the impact of viewing digitally-created stereoscopic and auto-stereoscopic images on the human physiology. Philip also founded and still participates in the Video Quality Experts Group (www.its.bldrdoc.gov/vqeg), aimed at developing, testing and recommending objective video quality metrics for standardization
Click here to access Philip Corriveau's slides in PDF format.