SID Japan Chapter Bylaws
参考: 日本語版 PDF
Article 1 - NAME
1) The name of this organization is The Japan Chapter of the Society for Information Display, hereinafter called the Chapter.
1) The purpose of the Chapter shall be:
A) To Support the activities and purposes of the parent organization, the Society for Information Display, hereinafter called SID, as a member of the Asia region.
B) To encourage and contribute to scientific, technical, and educational advancement in the field of information display, and to promote its use.
C) To provide forums for the exchange and dissemination of ideas and knowledge relating to the field of information display, with an emphasis placed especially on international exchange among the world.
D) To conduct all activities without pecuniary profit to Chapter officers or members; any balance of money or assets remaining after the full payment of Chapter obligations of all and any kinds shall be devoted solely to the above stated purposes.
2) The Chapter is a part of the SID, bylaws of which govern the Chapter.
3) Chapter activities are mainly concern to the territory of Japan, but not limited to. This does not preclude Chapter representation in business of the parent body, SID.
Article 3 - MEMBERSHIP
1) Membership of the Chapter shall be governed by subsequent sections of this Article and the Article 3 of the SID Bylaws.
2) Privileges
All members in good standing (except that Student, Associate, Sustaining Member and Affiliate Society Member grades may not vote, hold office or serve on the Advisory Committee), shall have equal privileges including, but not limited to, the right to:
A) Vote for officers and on such other Chapter business as require polling of the Membership.
B) Receive all notices of general Chapter functions.
C) Attend all meetings sponsored by the Chapter.
D) Use Chapter facilities for the purpose of the Chapter.
3) Termination
Membership in the Chapter may be terminated for the following reasons:
A) Voluntary withdrawal by the member by means of written notice to the Chapter.
B) Non-payment of dues - Membership shall automatically terminate if dues are not paid within 30 days of the designated due date, provided that the member is notified by the SID Treasurer or his/her delegate of the member's impending loss of membership prior to his suspension date. Notification shall be sent to the last address known to SID.
C) Misuse of SID's name, facilities, etc. - Actions by a member which bring disrepute to SID may be a reason for termination of membership. On recommendation of the SID Membership Committee, the Board of Directors will review the case, offering opportunity for rebuttal to the member. A three-quarter vote of the Board shall be required to vote dismissal.
Article 4 - DUES AND FEES
1) Dues of the Chapter members shall be payable to the SID through the Chapter by the Japanese currency, or to the SID by the U.S. dollar directly. Dues of Japanese currency shall be determined by the Chapter Executive Committee and approved by the Advisory Committee each year according to the dues determined by the SID.
Article 5 - OFFICERS
1) The elected officers of the Chapter shall be the Director, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Vice-Secretary, Treasurer and Vice-Treasurer, who with the approval of the Chapter Executive Committee and assistance of duly appointed committees and the Chief Staff(s), shall conduct the business of the Chapter.
2) The term of office for each officer except the Director shall be one year. No officer may serve in any specific position for a total of more than two consecutive terms. The term of the Director is determined by SID bylaws.
3) The duties and authority for each office as follows:
A) Director - The Director is a member of SID Board of Directors representing Japan Chapter. The Director shall assist the Chapter in maintaining a level of technical activities that encourages participation by the chapter members of SID and attracts new members.
B) Chairperson - The Chairperson shall be the principal executive officer of the Chapter and shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the Chapter. He/She shall when present, preside at all general business meetings of the Chapter. He/She may sign in the place of the Secretary or any other proper office of the Chapter hereunto authorized by the Chapter Executive Committee any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts or other instruments which the Chapter Executive Committee has authorized, except in case where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Chapter Executive Committee or by these bylaws to some other officer or agent of the Chapter, or shall be required by law to be otherwise signed or executed, and in general shall perform all duties incident to the office of Chairperson. He/She shall be responsive to the wishes of the Chapter Executive Committee in the performance of such additional duties as may be requested by the committee from time to time.
The Chairperson shall also appoint committee chairperson(s) of ad hoc committee(s) and Chief Staff(s) in charge of specific item(s).
C) Vice Chairperson - In the absence of the Chairperson or his/her inability or refusal to act, the Vice Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson and, when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions on the Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall audit the books of account and perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Chairperson.
D) Secretary - The Secretary shall:
a) keep a book of minutes of all meetings of the Chapter Executive Committee and of its members, with the time and place of holding, whether regular or special, and if special, he/she authorized, the notice thereof given, the names of those present at Chapter Executive Committee meetings, the number of members present or represented at members' meetings, and the proceedings thereof;
b) see that all notices are given in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws;
c) be custodian of the Chapter's records including the completed records of the Treasurer;
d) maintain membership records with a register of the post office address of each member which shall be furnished to the Secretary by the members;
e) perform such other correspondence within and external to the Chapter as may be requires by Chapter business;
f) file a copy of all correspondence carried out in the name of the Chapter; and
g) in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the Chairperson or the Chapter Executive Committee.
E) Vice-Secretary - The Vice-Secretary shall assist the Secretary and perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Chairperson.
F) Treasurer - The Treasurer shall:
a) keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the Chapter's properties and business transactions, in a manner established by the Chapter Executive Committee. The book of account shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by the Chapter Executive Committee;
b) have charge and custody of and be responsible for all fund and securities of the Chapter, and deposit all such moneys in the name of the Chapter in such depositories as shall be selected in accordance with Article 9 of these bylaws;
c) in general perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Chairperson.
G) Vice-Treasurer -The Vice-Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer and perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Chairperson.
H) Chief Staff(s) -The Chief Staff(s) shall assist the Chairperson and perform his/her duties on the specific item(s) necessary to carry the Chapter activities. Chief Staff(s) shall be appointed by the Chairperson.
4) Vacancies on the Chapter Executive Committee other than Chairperson shall be filled by temporary appointment by the Chapter Executive Committee. Elections to fill such unexpired terms may be held or not at the discretion of, and in a manner determined by, the Chapter Executive Committee. The Vice Chairperson shall succeed to the office of Chairperson in the event of the Chairperson's
A) resignation,
B) extended absence, or
C) inability or refusal to act; as determined by voting of Chapter Executive Committee members who must then notify the Chapter membership in writing of the circumstances and resulting actions.
1) The Chapter Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Vice-Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-Treasurer, Director, non-voting executive members and appropriate number of Chief Staff(s) with the Chairperson as chairperson of the Committee. The non-voting executive members shall be appointed by the Chairperson.
2) Any four voting members of the Chapter Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
3) The Chapter Executive Committee shall supervise the business of the Chapter under terms of the Chapter Bylaws.
1) Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Vice-Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice-Treasurer
Candidates for each elected office shall be selected by the Advisory Committee after due deliberation as to qualifications and willingness to serve, if selected, of each nominee. Any member in good standing may also be nominated to any office of the Chapter upon petition of ten of the voting members. The petition must be received at the Secretary at least thirty days before the general business meeting. The voting shall begin twenty days before, and end ten days before the general business meeting.
The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Vice-Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice-Treasurer shall be elected by the vote.
Elected officers will take office at the conclusion of the general business meeting.
2) Director
The Advisory Committee shall select a candidate or candidates for the Director, after due deliberation as to qualifications and willingness to serve, if selected, of each nominee. The Chairperson of the Advisory Committee shall submit the name of the candidate(s) to SID as per SID bylaws for voting conducted by SID.
Article 8 - COMMITTEES
1) The following committees shall be appointed annually as defined in subsequent sections of this Article:
A) Advisory Committee
B) Chapter Membership Committee
C) Program Committee
2) Advisory Committee
A) The Advisory Committee members shall be appointed by the Chapter Executive Committee, immediately after a general business meeting. The chairperson of the Advisory Committee shall be served concurrently by the Chairperson as an ordinary.
B) The Advisory Committee shall have the final responsibility for selection of candidates submitted to the membership for elected office.
C) The Advisory Committee members shall be the members of the Chapter.
3) All other committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the Chapter Executive Committee, with approval of Advisory Committee, immediately after the installation of Chapter officers
4) The Chapter Membership Committee shall conduct membership drives, act on membership applications, and maintain and recommend consistent standards of membership.
5) The Program Committee shall:
A) Recommend programs and activities to be conducted.
B) Recommend the specific time and place of technical meetings
C) Establish and submit for approval by the Chapter Executive Committee a program budget.
D) Arrange for facilities, agenda, publicity, and all other necessary matters pertinent to the businesslike and professional management of technical meetings.
Article 9 - FINANCES
1) All funds of the Chapter, other than petty cash, shall be kept in recognized banking and saving and loan institutions. Expenditures of funds for any single transaction out of the budget shall have the written approval of the Chairperson and Treasurer. Below that amount either the Treasurer's or the Chairperson's signature shall be required. All expenditures shall fall within the budgets approved by the Chapter Executive Committee.
2) The books of account shall be at all times open to inspection by the Chapter Executive Committee. The books of account shall be audited upon change of the Treasurer or the end of his/her term. The type and methods of recording in these books shall be in accordance with the instruction of the Chapter Executive Committee.
Article 10 - MEETINGS
1) There shall be at least one general business meeting conducted each fiscal year. Such meeting(s) shall be held at time(s) and place(s) determined by the executive committee. The membership shall be informed of the time and place of each of these meetings at least 45 days in advance.
2) Ten voting members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business. A majority of the quorum shall be sufficient to approve any motion except that, at the request of any voting member, the motion shall be submitted to the Chapter membership in good standing for a vote. In such event, a majority of the members voting shall be required to approve the motion.
3) Meetings of a technical informative nature shall be held as often as the Program Committee deems appropriate.
4) In all matters not covered by the bylaws, the Chapter shall be governed by decisions of the Chapter Executive Committee.
Article 11 - AMENDMENTS
1) Any group of five or more members may, by signed petition, submitted at any time, propose an amendment to these bylaws.
2) The Chapter Executive Committee shall review the petition and make recommendations to the membership. The Secretary shall be directed to submit the proposed amendment, together with the recommendations of both the Chapter Executive Committee and the petitioners, to all members in good standing.
3) For passage of any amendment, a plurality of all the legal votes cast shall be required.
4) All Amendments require an approval of the Executive Committee of SID.
(Revised December 21, 2004)
(Revised Aug. 4, 2005)